Doctor LoVerme Featured in NJ Monthly Magazine

Our New Jersey plastic surgeon, Dr. Paul LoVerme, is recognized in his field as an authority on plastic surgery and has been interviewed for a feature in NJ Monthly Magazine. View all of the details below!

NJ Monthly Magazine Feature

Questions for board-certified plastic surgeon Paul J. LoVerme, MD, FACS, director of the LoVerme Center for Plastic Surgery in Verona. Dr. LoVerme is chairman of surgery at Mountainside Hospital in Montclair, a past president of the American College of Surgeons and the New Jersey Society of Plastic Surgeons, and a perennial New Jersey Monthly Top Doctor.

What factors influence a woman’s decision to have breast augmentation surgery?

Many of my patients are women in their thirties, forties, and fifties who have had children and decide to spend some time on themselves. They may have small breasts and have always wanted to augment them, or perhaps after pregnancies their breast shape changed. I use FDA approved silicone gel or saline implants to enhance their appearance. I spend a great deal of time educating patients, discussing their implants, procedures, and expectations, and show them “after” pictures of patients with similar anatomy who have undergone similar procedures. In our office we have different size implants they can try inside their bra to get a general idea of what their results will look like. Together we develop a plan designed specifically for them.

What are common misconceptions about breast lifts and augmentations?

Often women are told that by getting a larger implant they can avoid having a breast lift. An implant alone is fine for women with small breasts without much droop. Otherwise, a breast lift is also necessary. Women are often concerned about vertical scars from breast lifts, but my experience has shown that this type of scar usually heals very well, and a breast lift will improve results, giving them a better, younger appearing breast. Another frequent misconception is that a woman must have an implant when having a breast lift. If a woman is satisfied with the size of her breasts, an implant isn’t necessary. The lift itself will reshape the breasts and provide more fullness on top, giving them a more youthful appearance and contour.

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